INREEF kick-off

After a year of delay due to the COVID-pandemic, it was time to get the INREEF engine running!

From the 12th of September until the 7th of October, 2022 a large part of the INREEF team members from Indonesia and the Caribbean came to visit the Wageningen University. It was a month full of scientific workshops, but there was, of course, plenty of time left to get to know each other.

The following workshops were given:

  • How to prepare a scientific poster
  • How to make a knowledge clip
  • How to give a stunning short pitch 


And a selection of the fun activities we had:

  • Excursion to the University of Twente
  • Visit to the biodiversity center Naturalis
  • Visit to the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study
  • Bicycle workshop along the floodplains of Wageningen
  • Various tours of the Wageningen University facilities

For more information you can view the following files: