Our project consists of six workpackages. On this page you can find information about workpackage 4Social-Ecological Systems integration. In the future you also can find the research here.
Tasks workpackage 4 Social-Ecological Systems integration
- Map the social-ecological system: identify interactions, drivers of change, mediating factors, feedbacks and potential for tipping points (WP1-3)
- Develop social-ecological systems models, using participatory approach (interviews, fuzzy cognitive webs), social media/big data (nr. tourists, attractiveness area), satellite data (coastal development, erosion), citizen science, monitoring data (input WP1-3). Evaluate policy options and simulate future scenarios for Indonesian and Caribbean MPAs.
- Develop code for ‘Tourist as monitoring device’ using image and text analysis from social media.
- Identify indicators of resilience for Dashboard (WP5), available data sources and range of sustainable and unsustainable values for each indicator (input WP1-3)
- Identify, analyze and explain relationships between Dashboard indicators and reef resilience using the SES-model (input WP6)
Research and articles workpackage 4 Social-Ecological Systems integration
- Not yet available